These hands touch the shoulders of anyone of all ethnicity, age, and status on a daily basis.
These hands cover my mouth as I laugh.
These hands creatively translate the self image and self confidence of people who put their confidence in me.
These hands write words for the voiceless which in turn are then broadcasted world wide to reach others who want to advocate, full circle.
These hands are garnished with the same rings every day.
These hands communicate small messages to my friends around the world.
These hands bake. They bake to raise money to travel to a third world country and teach girls cosmetology who are in danger of being sex trafficked. They bake to give them an opportunity of lasting freedom and self empowerment.
These hands will cut children's hair at safe-houses and rub the feet and hands of volunteers who care for these children everyday.
These hands hide in pockets when I'm nervous.
These hands are tattooed with three marks that remind me to work on three things about myself every month.
These hands cut the wind with the windows open while driving.
These hands style, apply make up, and do hair for photo shoots.
These hands belong not only to me, but they belong to anyone who needs a hand.