It's that time again for a family reunion. All of my extended family is spread out around the United States, so we only manage to all get back together every so often. My parents trekked out from Oregon to pick me up from Kansas, the three of us headed down to South Texas to grab my sister, and we all four made the trip over to New Mexico for the reunion. It all went pretty smoothly until my sister's car started smoking in the middle of Western Texas, and she sold it off on the side of the road. That was exciting, but at least we had my parent's car there to all pile into.
I got to enjoy a day of having my parents in Newton with me before we left - I got to show them our new apartment, and around Newton a little. They both went to college here, but they don't get out here very often anymore. :) Mojo's happened to be having a concert outside the one night that they were there, so we got to enjoy that.

- e (plus l)
Sounds like so much fun! Can't wait to hear more about it.
LOVE you skirt!
xo Lisa
Making Life's Lemons
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