I have been living in this weird new place for about a week now. The humans who take care of me smell a lot like coffee and bleach and keep their house a little too clean for my liking. I would prefer they drop a few crumbs here and there but they keep saying things like "food allergies" and "don't feed the dog" what ever that means...
I have liked my stay for the most part so far. The humans let me nap all day where ever I like. My favorite places to sleep are behind the couch, on top of a pile of pillows, and underneath the dining room table while my humans are hard at work on their internet boxes. I can smell their feet pretty well while I am under the table. Sometimes I like to give them a little lick on the leg to remind them how much I love them. New human doesn't seem to like it as much as Old human, I do seem to be growing on her though. She takes lots of pictures of me and actually held me once!
The only complaint I have so far is those freaking grass seeds out in the yard. They tend to get stuck in my paws and are irritating as hell. My paw looks sort of like a big pink swollen jelly fish right now. I tried to lick it to make it feel better, though after licking for two straight days I don't seem to be making much progress. Old human says we are going to "the vet" here soon to have them take a look at it. I'm not so sure about this but if it makes it stop hurting so much, I am in.

Update: Older Human took me to that mean old vet lady who dug around in my paw and put a cone on my head. I will forgive her though because my paw is feeling better and I have been getting a lot of attention from all of the humans I see. They seem very happy to see me.
Time for another nap,
Baha! So cute!
xo Lisa
Making Life's Lemons
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