With another bout of horrid, lingering winter weather (it really wasn't that bad) we decided to channel the spring weather by dressing for it and crossing our fingers. Usually a person would instead check the weather and dress for it, but we think it should work the other way. And it did work! A warm beautiful day came our way yet again most likely because of our colored tights, pastels, and mushroom print shirt.
We have a tendency to notice our weird little quirks when looking back through our outfit pictures. For instance, upon viewing the picture of leah's hands she could help but yell, "good lord look how crooked my pinkies are!" She swears they get more crooked each day. And when erin saw the picture of her back she noticed that the key hole in her dress perfectly framed the mole on her back. We quickly named it her key hole mole.
We have decided to embrace our weird quirks. Both the ones mentioned and others (did you know leah has a chipped tooth?). It is better to love yourself the way you are then to obsess over trying to change it.
What weird quirks do you embrace?
-e plus l
I scrunch my nose a lot...
Lovely outfits!
xo Lisa
OMG I love that mushroom print blouse so much!! where is it from?
Thanks Ester! I got it at Urban Outfitters last summer.
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