PICTURE SOURCES:1//2//3//4//5//6//7//8//9//10//
Because of our recent investment in an apartment we have spent countless hours imagining what it will look like. In a perfect world, our apartment would magically look like a nice compilation of all these inspirational pictures. Sadly, it is not a perfect world and we don't have unlimited amounts of money. But we are excited to decorate with the stuff we have as well as grabbing a few more "reasonable" things on our wishlist.
#1. The perfect vintage couch. Forget those big poofy reclining couches you can find at Ashley's Furniture, we want a couch with buttons and flowers. Ideally we would find one that is a fun color (green, blue, pink, orange?) that has as much character as possible for less two hundred dollars. Dream big, eh? Some pictures for your brain images: 1//2//3//4
#2. A small round dining room table. Ideally it would be white, but of course we could paint it in the end. Our kitchen is pretty tiny though, so we don't want it to be too large.
#3. Small kitchen accessories. We still need a few things to cook with yet. We haven't been able to compile these while living in the dorms, sadly they lack kitchens. Ladles, spatulas, a large soup pot, vegetable steamer, rice cooker, crock pot, cookie sheets, knives, a microwave, as well as some other dish ware. In a dream world this list would contain a kitchen aid mixer... Specific items we are drooling over: 1//2//3
#4. Patio furniture. We would like to be able to sit outside as much as possible, and we have been loving the idea of getting old metal chairs to put out on our little patio. Here are some cute ones that are kind of what we are looking for: 1//2
The trouble with moving into our first apartment is that we want to buy everything cute and adorable but we are slowly realizing that that may not be entirely possible with our budgets. So we are sticking to the necessities first.
Can you tell how excited we are?
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