Being a poor college student from halfway across the states, unsure of where I'll be in the next year, I find it difficult to invest in furniture. This dresser came from Leah's wonderful family (apparently if I seem desperate enough, furniture just falls right into my hands). They told my I could do whatever I wanted with it, basically, so I decided enough was enough with the brown drawers that clashed with the beige walls and also brown carpet.
Leah and I have an abundance of chalkboard paint, and as I am a huge fan of neutral colors, a black chalkboard dresser seemed like the perfect solution. It just took an evening and about an hour to make sure it was all painted, and I love how it turned out!
What else could you turn into an awesome chalkboard? (everything!)

Well that is just freakin' adorable.
wow I actually wanted a chalkboard dresser like this one, such a great restyle! :)
Ester from Drawing Dreaming
This came out pretty awesome! Even when you erase the actual chalk and just leave the dresser back it looks pretty amazing!
x elizabeth of thompson & prince
WOW what an awesome idea!! I just may try this!
Ali of
Dressing Ken
Do you ladies ever run out of creative ideas? Seriously impressive. I love the new name BTW. Honestly, I've been considering re-branding and renaming The Photogramps...Mad respect for you guys...it takes some balls!
i've been doing a lot of this: painting the glass panel of a cool frame --> get a chalkboard! for inspirational quotes or to-do lists. i've been giving them as house-warming gifts and people are loving it!
is it weird that i also painted my bike helmet with chalkboard paint the other day...?
That looks SO awesome! I should have don that with mine!
xo Lisa
Making Life's Lemons
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