Last week, while relaxing in the art building assuming spring was coming (it snowed...), I decided it would be fun to try my hand at some jewelry making, so I whipped out my hot glue gun and some feathers and got to work. This necklace turned out to be super easy!
You'll need: glue (my hot glue gun worked wonders), scissors, leather, some sort of chain or rope, and feathers.

First you'll need to cut out your leather piece. To do this I cut out a 3x4 inch rectangle and then folded it in half and made a triangle shape at both ends. You can really cut out whatever shape you'd like though.
Next, glue feathers that are about the same length on half of the leather piece (make sure not to cross over the mid line!) I put enough feathers on to cover that half twice, so it wouldn't look wimpy.
Then you'll need to choose how long you want your chain, rope, or leather string to be and line it up on the mid-line of your leather piece. Then fold over and glue!

It seriously only took my like 10 minutes to make and now I wear it almost everyday! It makes more simply outfits look less boring (plus it looks great with a pair of moccasins)
-(e plus) l
Wow that really is easy!
I love love love that necklace! I so want to make one! You are a crafty so and so! So talented! XXX I've only just discovered your blog and it's AMAZING!
NIce posts! Nice Blog!I would love for you to stop by my page too and hopefully you support me by following me! I can't wait for your next post.Thanks
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