Sometimes those precious moments, those in which the busy parts of your life have been paused, can be the most wonderful thing. Those moments when work is finished, planning is paused, and you can take some time to sit at your dining room table with a cup of coffee and a puppy curled up on your lap-they are magnificent.
Lately it has come to our attention that we spend so much time preparing for what is next that we forget to appreciate what is around us now. Luckily our little moments allow us to think about these things and to refocus ourselves to be more appreciative, more in the moment, and they allow us to remember that life isn't just whats to come it is also right now. We can be excite for our jobs, homes, weddings, etc, but we can also be excited about right now.
For instance today I sat in my dining room with a cold fancy beer and some cheese and crackers and soaked up the sun that shone through my window. It was the best. Relaxing and enjoying the moment is the best, you guys. Try it with us.
Truth! Seriously, it's so nice especially when you are non-stop go-go-go.
Lisa | c/oMKE
lovely photos. the fancy beer and cheese sounds like a great afternoon :)
I've been doing my best to take my time and soak things in as well especially with a baby along the way and so many changes coming so quickly! Thanks for the lovely remind to stop and relax :)
That sounds amazing :)
Pretty Lovely
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