Monday, October 28, 2013


frida & diegofrida & diego
frida & diego
frida & diegofrida & diego
frida & diego frida & diego
frida & diego
frida & diego
There is something very important that we should admit. Something you may have already noticed that has been missing from our blog. Something that most likely fills up the feed of your pinterest home page and the other blogs you read. That something is holiday themed decor-we just can't get that into it!
I don't know what it is but Erin and I don't really seem to care for holiday themed decor. Sure we get into fall foods and fashion trends. We love the seasons, its just those darn holidays! You may have noticed the lack of Halloween themed crafts and decor on our blog- we are such Halloweenies! Skulls and ghosts? ehhh.... Pumpkin decorating? errrm.... eyeballs, zombies (okay we admittedly kind of like zombies but mostly on T.V. instead of in our homes), and the word "Boo" written everywhere? It's just not really our thing.
We do get incredibly into costumes though, that is the one thing we do love about Halloween. I can't say I have ever been a classic Halloween costume though no ghosts, ghouls, or witches for me (Perhaps it is because my mother never let me and I always had to be creative). This year Erin and I dressed up as Frida Kahlo and Diego Rivera. We headed down to our local thrift store to pick up some outfits after spending a lot of time looking through pictures and giggling about moles and unibrows. I really love Frida Kahlo and all of her artwork so it was so much fun to dress up like her. Plus I love any chance I can get to trick Erin into dressing up like a man and looking like a goof (jokes on her...says the one with the unibrow).
What did you dress up as for Halloween?
-a clover & a bee
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  1. Honestly, I'm not that big into halloween, either... but I keep busy with it now that I have kids. I understand, it's not my thing either. I'm way more into the spirit of christmas. I haven't dressed up as anything for Halloween!

    Great photos... I really like the Frida Kahlo costume... cool!

  2. BAha! I'm laughing so HARD at this post! These are great costumes! NICE work!

    xo Lisa | Making Life's Lemons

  3. What amazing costumes!! I love this so much

  4. What great costumes! I totally understand about decor. My husband and I had to move our pumpkins indoors because they were being attacked by squirrels outside, but othee than that, we have no fall decor. I can barely manage to put up a christmas tree some years-ha! I am excited to start following your blog!

    Forever Young

  5. I seriously love these costumes, so genius! I am surprised you guys aren't into the holidays, I need to just move on over and teach you my ways! ;)

  6. This is the best! So, so great. I'm losing it over here. That unibrow. Just brilliant. And how creative of you guys to be Frida and Diego. I think the picture frames are a perfect touch.

    I'm doing a costume link-up on my blog today. I would LOVE it if you ladies were to join in. These outfits are far too good not to show off.

  7. These costumes are all kinds of wonderful! The frames are a great touch. <3 Found you through the linkup!

  8. What great costumes! I love that even the dog got in on the fun! Happy Halloween!

  9. You guys sure look like you had fun!!

  10. Your costumes are AWESOME! And these pics are great too! Amazing job!!
    Thanks for linking up! :)
