Monday, September 30, 2013

restyled picnic basket

picnic basket restyle picnic basket restyle picnic basket restyle picnic basket restyle picnic basket restyle picnic basket restyle
The other night I was laying in bed reading Gentri Lee's blog post about going on a picnic in her family and for some reason my brain suddenly clicked (perhaps it was the adorable picnic basket and her pink headband-we can't be sure). I ran into the other room and grabbed my old crummy picnic basket (seen here) and immediately got to work. At that moment I didn't seem to mind that it was already 30 minutes past my bedtime and I had to teach children in the morning-this was important. I grabbed my paints and some paint brushes and got to work. I did about two coats of pink around the outside in order to cover up the dark green. I then took an old sharpie and drew the shape I wanted on the lid of my basket and filled it in with white paint. I have been loving black and white geometric prints for some time so I decided to do some triangles on the top. I love the way it turned out. 
The nice thing about this basket is that I found it at a thrift store for only 50 cents. It is nice to not have to worry too much about screwing something up because it didn't cost very much initially. You can take some pretty crummy thrift finds and turn them into gold, in my opinion. Yes, this basket may still have a few dings and bumps, but hey, it adds a little character right?
Generally picnics may be thought of as more of a spring activity but the weather has been so beautiful lately and perfect for picnics! Just make sure to grab a blanket if you are going to be out past dark perhaps for some star gazing?
what thrifted gems have you fixed up lately?
-a clover & a bee
(You could ask me how I managed to get the cutest, most photogenic dog in the world and I would have to reply I don't know, I guess I just got lucky!)

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  1. I did some terracotta pots like you guys have shown on your blog!

  2. Oh I'm DYING. What a pup! That's a pretty little design on the basket too.

    xo Lisa | Making Life's Lemons

  3. never knew a picnic basket could be so cute!

  4. I swear I commented, so sorry I just realized I did not! BUUT Thank you so so much for the shout out! Your basket turned out so beautifully! Makes me want to go buy another one just to give it a little makeover. haha!
